Case study

Logo designed for Artinsive Interiors


In this Case study on Logo designed for Artinsive Interiors we will discuss why and how this logo was made and what is the concept behind it. 

I will particularly tell the steps and procedure we follow, what information was provided and how it was used to build the concept.

Will also see how a little bit of tweaking can improve the design.

So lets begin!


At ZAK Designs the first question we ask all our clients is the why behind this name. What is the reason for this name and how did you come up with it and why did you even choose this name?

It helps a lot in concept building.

So in the words of Mr. Rajib Dhar, founder of Artinsive Interiors and a fine gentleman; “the word Artinsive is a combination of two words Art and Intensive. He wanted the name to tell that his work will be artistic and intensive where every small intricate details matter.”

He wanted something simple yet powerful!

For the colour he wanted something colour less.

With that information on our side we started our research.


After days of intense research one of the things we found out is; the most important part of interior designing is measurement, without which even the most beautiful design will eventually fail.

Keeping this in our mind we went ahead to the next step – designing the logo for Artinsive Interiors.


For our concept to relate with the name what we thought is that first we will make an artwork, as the name itself has the word art and then place it in the centre. Around that we will put measurement marks to relate with the concept and also with the word intensive.

So this is what we made as the first logo for Artinsive Interiors.

An abstract art and measurement marks around it. If you see the four lines surrounding it you will notice that the lines doesn’t end abruptly but diminishes slowly. That is because whenever a line is drawn we tend to put force at the beginning and the end just loosen it. Just try drawing a line with the help of a pencil and scale; you will then understand what I am talking about.

One thing which luckily happened is that I was putting these four little blocks on each side to keep the spacing equal (shown in the image below with orange borders around it). Once done with that I didn’t remove it, thought to myself it goes well with the concept as well as with the part intensive where every small details matter.

However our concept wasn’t clear enough through the design. The focus was too much on the artwork and less on the measurement aspect we had. I knew a little bit of tweaking was required.

The first thing I did is reduced the focus from the artwork by making the cubes smaller. The second thing; I added more measurement marks around the design.

This is the final logo designed for Artinsive Interiors after our tweaking and the client absolutely loved it.

Every time we make a logo our goal is to create something great and believe me it takes a lot of effort, time and patience.

To us it’s much more than just logo designing; it is to Create the Impossible!

You can check more of our work in the portfolio page.

If you wish to learn about branding then check out our blog Brand, Branding and Branding Strategy. You will learn a lot from it.

Hope you liked the concept and idea, I would love to hear all your opinion so put it in the comment box.

If this inspires you please share it.


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Logo designed by Zain Ahmed Kamal

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